My Lucky Day!!

I was so shocked when I read a comment on my blog from the super talented Chelsea of Vintage Chic fame, telling me I had won something on her blog.

I was most likely blog surfing late one night and came across this fabulous giveaway on Chelsea's blog (see entry on Oct 2nd). With over 200 comments including mine, I didn't even give it a second thought, until Chelsea got in touch with me by leaving a comment on my blog to tell me I had won one of her Pink Fig Pattern Packs - OMG wooohooo!!

They have arrived and I can't wait to make.....oh no, which one first?

Thank you SO MUCH Chelsea :-D


  1. Oh Wow! Lucky you! One pattern would have been great! Happy sewing!

  2. You sly girl you ... you never told me you won such a wonderful prize!! CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to see if all in your stunning artistic flair real life! Bet you were happy!!!
