School Holiday Sewing

I had some trouble the first time around when making the Make it Perfect Little Explorer pants. No use trying to hide the fact that I'm a beginner sewer and sometimes the littlest things just don't make sense to was I to know I was cutting out 2 left legs per pair?? So I cut out the other legs and then both pairs officially sat there and became UFO's - until now. My little man has scored both of these pairs so the initial mistake was a good thing in the end because otherwise I probably wouldn't have got around to making him any in time for this summer.

I luuuuurve the stripey trim on this pair.

I've done the star trim before for my nephew but on this pair I did a stripey pocket instead of the denim.

I had a lot more success with this Oliver + S Popover Sundress than my first try. This one is *almost* perfect.

Last of all I made a cute and quick headband to match the O+S dress. These are both being sent off to Miss S for her 6th birthday which has been and gone. (I get there eventually but I do need to work on getting presents to people on time!) I will definitely be making more of these headbands. I used the tute by Blue Bird Studio and the headband you see on my almost 6 year old daughter's head started out as a 5" x 20" sized piece of fabric. The first headband I did was too tight for her head at 18" long, but would be perfect for a toddler.

I also need to give a huge shout out to my amazing parents who have helped me so much these holidays with my kids and without their help I would be nowhere near getting these 4 things finished (or surviving the last 2 weeks) - THANK YOU!!


  1. I love the shorts, the trims really set them off. Lovely work on the dress too, I saved that pattern but haven't had a good look at it yet.

  2. love the shorts!! and the dress! I use yours as inspiration get my little explorer pattern out and make some for DS!
